Thursday, March 15, 2012

Paper Bag Puppets

What you'll need:

  • brown paper lunch sacks
  • crayons
  • yarn
  • scissors
  • tape/glue
  • glitter, stickers, other decorative items
  • construction paper
Here's a good "rainy day" craft you can do with your children. It incorporates imaginative play as well as fine motor skills. I did this with my son in snap and he loved it. He's only two, so I had to help quite a bit. But an older child can do a lot of this with your supervision.

First, we took a brown paper lunch sack. I drew a face, with the mouth on the fold of the bag (allowing the puppet to open its mouth and "speak").

Next, we decorated/colored the puppets clothes. My son enjoyed this part because he got to scribble.

Once it's clothes were complete, I took some yarn I had around the house and cut it to look like hair. Using tape, I attached her "pigtails" to the sides of here hair. Glue will work just as well. But we were in a hurry and didn't want to wait for the glue to dry.

To make things more interesting, use construction paper for cut-out shapes to create animals and other characters.

And there you have it...A paper bag puppet ready to explore the world of your child's imagination.

For older children, encourage them to work together to create a puppet show that they can present to you later.

For more fun, visit for online games.

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