Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Magic Milk

This is an idea I found doing a kitchen science search on the web. It took very little to do but got a BIG response from the little ones.

This experiment explores the properties of soap, oil and water. It's a good introduction to the world of molecules and how different molecules interact. You don’t have to go all scientific in explanation, unless you are well able to ;). But this is a great way to explain the power of SOAP to the kiddos!

What you'll need:
• A shallow pan (I used a pyrex dish)
• Milk (any percentage)
• Dish soap
• Food coloring (it is always suggested that food coloring become a staple in a house full of kids…many awe-inspiring magic tricks to be had with them)
• A cotton swab

Pour a very shallow amount of milk into your pan. Drop a few colors in the middle of the milk. Take a minute and talk about what the colors do ( they should spread out a tiny bit but generally stay in one spot…notice that the milk does not change colors automatically).

Grab a cotton swab and try to predict what will happen once you touch the milk with it. Go ahead and touch the milk with the swab and notice that it only disturbs the colors slightly.

Dip the swab into dish soap…then just touch the swab into the milk again. Now watch the art happen ;).

They may want to do this over and over again so you may want to use the milk with the oldest yet not totally expired date on it, LOL.

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