Sunday, December 16, 2012

Important things...

It has been a while since we here at Stinkeepants have posted anything. We are both stay at home moms with wee children to care for, and life in general gets busy to say the least. However this past weekend with everything that has taken place in our country, has caused me to stop for a minute and just take an account of the important things. Our hearts go out to the parents and loved ones of all that were effected by the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Words can not express the wave of grieving that went out across this nation. You all (the parents) may not know us or anyone else that expresses our sincere condolence, but please know that you are indeed in our thoughts and prayers. I found it important to explain to my children what happened, in terms they could understand. I find myself tearing up at different moments. We are so thankful , not only for our own group of "Stinkeepants" , but for all children. Children contribute to our society in inexplicable ways, and whether we knew them or not, we miss them. I am not sure if this post will ever reach the eyes of those effected, but either way this is a heart felt hug sent out. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts...with Love,

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